How A Criminal Defence Lawyer Can Find Out More About Your Case

In order to do a good job of defending you in court, your criminal defence attorney will need to know as much as possible about your case. There are actually a few different ways that your criminal defence lawyer will probably get information about your case, such as in the ways listed below.

Sitting Down With You for a Consultation

First and foremost, your criminal defence attorney is probably going to rely on you to provide them with more information about your case. After all, of anyone, you are probably the one who is most familiar with what happened when you were arrested or charged with breaking one or more laws. Make sure that you make time to go in for a consultation with your attorney, and make sure that you answer their questions accurately and thoroughly. In addition to providing your criminal defence attorney with more information about your case, this gives you a chance to learn a little more about your attorney, too.

Talking to Witnesses

If there are any witnesses who might have seen what happened when you were arrested or who might know a little more about your case, then you should provide their contact information to your attorney. Then, your attorney might take the time to talk to these witnesses to find out more about your case. Additionally, they might summon those witnesses to speak at your trial, if applicable.

Looking at the Police Report

There is probably at least one police report or similar document that outlines all of the information that the police have about your case. Your attorney will probably want to ask to see this report or documentation. They can then get a better understanding of your case from the other side's point of view, and they can get an idea of the evidence that is out there that might hurt or help your case.

Researching Other Similar Cases

Lastly, there is a good chance that your criminal defence attorney will do some research about other cases that might be similar to your own. Then, they can get an idea of how those cases were defended, what the sentencing was for those cases -- if applicable -- and more. This can provide them with valuable insight into what to expect from your case, and they might even get ideas about how to defend your case.

It is important for your criminal defence attorney to find out as much as possible about your case. Luckily, they should be able to do so in the ways above and more.

To learn more, contact a criminal defence lawyer.
